Local News
Vulnerable road users and active travel at heart of new speed limit policy
West Sussex Conservatives have updated the Councils speed limit policy which will help vulnerable road users and make active travel choices more attractive in the County. This will include
- The intended use of a road will become the key feature in deciding an appropriate speed limit, emphasis will be on the mix of vulnerable road users, such as pedestrians, cyclists, and equestrians first and then motorised traffic.
- An option for lower speed limits on rural roads, or those used as walking and cycling routes in quieter traffic (known as ‘quiet ways’)
- Making it easier for 20mph limits to be introduced outside schools, where appropriate, and provides new guidance.
- Greater flexibility in deciding an appropriate speed limit and opportunity to discuss and debate where it isn’t clear what speed limit is appropriate
If a community identifies support for a speed limit change – including the support of the local County Councillor – it will be considered via the existing Community Highway Scheme process.